Web 3 Skill Community

Sharing information for verifying skills needed and recognized by our communities on Cardano, and beyond

Skill Certifications and Verifiable Credentials

A community-based directory of verifiable credentials and their issuers for use by Web 3 communities in Cardano and beyond - you can use the directory to understand what credentials mean and how to acquire and verify them

SSI Credentialing by and for Web 3 Communities

Why SSI Credentials?

Every organization and every community needs to know that they can get access to people having key skillsets for effective delivery on their mission.

Rigorous interviews, college degrees, and "who you know" referrals can be helpful, but each can have its drawbacks, including scalability, reliability, lack of privacy, and trust-related risk.

Self-Sovereign Identity and Verifiable Credentials are an additional path that can help every community and organization simplify onboarding and reduce some of the costs of building human trust.

Join our Web 3 Skills Community

If you're a community-based organization on Cardano, join us in building our skills community by contributing to this directory. We help contributors and communities collaborate together around skills and certifications:

  • Celebrate the people whose skills we value
  • Make more visible the programs we offer for getting certified
  • Foster and deepen a culture of intra-community collaboration